Aromatherapy Prescriptions and Bespoke Blends

Aromatherapy is so much more than smell, it is the interaction between the limbic system and the emotional memories of the soul, it is the healing of the body through the gentle application of oils through massage.

Aromatherapy Prescriptions

I create aromatherapy blends for everything from sciatica to verrucous veins. Aromatherapy blends can be used as a complementary medicine to existing medication or alone in consultation with a clinical aromatherapist. 

Consultations can be online or face to face. I create prescriptions for most health and wellbeing conditions including pain relief and skin care but have a particular interest in emotional and spiritual aspect of this. I also create blends for holistic therapists, yoga teachers and healers. 

My chakra and aura meditation sprays can be made bespoke to each individual and can either be collected, posted or delivered.


Book an initial connection call to see how I can support you