The Elemental Alchemy of the Body


I have undergone something of a rebirth since having my son Elder

This started the night I gave birth 

Something swept through my body that I have never felt so fully before

A certainty, a knowing, an absolute conviction

So much so that I pushed all external influence aside and channelled his birth

I knew exactly where he was inside me and what he needed

And I was able to do this in my living room

By candlelight and with my soul body fully open to all possibilities

As I come now to healing my body from four pregnancies and births I am

Closing this chapter, I am being drawn to the four elements and a whole body rejuvenation

With all the senses: touch, taste, smell, sight and listening


I would like to invite you on a 6 week journey with an additional in-person session to fully ready our minds, bodies and souls for this next chapter


We will dance the elements

The Earth of our bones, our ancestral wisdom, our connection with the soil and the plant and tree kingdom. The bones go through a rebirth, a reincarnation. We will connect with the structures that we house ourselves in and hold us up. These bones are our homes and our support.

The Air of our lungs, our breath, our voices, our song, our expression and our stories told. We will dance and learn the truths that are flowing through us.


The Fire of our spirit, our passion and life force. Our joys and kindlings that swell up inside us. The wisdom of our rage and anger and how it transmutes into new creations and channels itself into energy to fuel our creativity and purpose

The Water of our hearts, our blood. We filter all false loves or those who have represented love and ask: what is true?

And we keep the truth moving through our movement and self-massage, connecting from the heart to each part of us and reclaim our bodies and cells as our own again.


Woven into this is what we eat, digest and drink – how we digest our food, our reality and how nutrients flow into us and we receive their goodness. Calming the gut and connecting with the internal fire that always burns. May we receive its nutrients with love from our mother, the Earth.

And what we resonate with, I have created four elemental connection sprays for this healing journey. Each one has a tree spirit essence and essential oils with hand distilled hydrosol for energetic balancing and motivation. Each one is an element and a part of the alchemy of the elements.

Purchase The Elemental Sprays 

The Elemental Alchemy is six online sessions and one in-person session.

The Dates:

Wednesday 5th April: 6:30 – 8pm

Wednesday 12th April 6:30 – 8pm


Wednesday 19th April 6:30 – 8pm


Wednesday 26th April 6:30 – 8pm


Wednesday 3rd May 6:30 – 8pm


Monday 8th May: In-person session We Are Wellness

9:15 – 10.30

Wednesday 10th May 6:30 – 8pm


Booking Link