Everyone has the potential and capacity to bring healing through to themselves. It is my work through the wisdom of the plants and trees to connect you with that part of you, your soul's knowing

Working with me is very hands-on and empowering. My clients are taught self-massage and meditation techniques, to find and release pain or tension from their physical and emotional body always within a context of safety and support. I also support the healing process creatively in my workshops be it writing, dancing or drawing to express the depth of emotions we are releasing and bringing the soul back to vitality through the process.
I really appreciate working with someone who radiates authenticity and who is working on themselves. When you listen, you listen deeply and with presence and I really feel that you understand what I am saying far beyond the words spoken. You have first hand experience and knowledge of what I am going through and you are both sensitive and direct in approaching the work at hand. Your attention to detail and appreciation of the subtleties of human sense means that I feel held and safe in the sessions and can integrate what I am learning into daily life.
Sarah B, Leeds
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I am guided by and connected with the Goddess Mother Earth. My healings are reconnecting with the Love in the Soil, the welcoming from the Mother and the reconnection with all from this space of remembrance.
This work includes soul reading, soul retrieval, past life healing, womb healing and ancestral healing all with my allies and guides held in the embrace of the Goddess.
contact: emily@autumnblossoms.co.uk

Aromatherapy is so much more than smell, it is the interaction between the limbic system and the emotional memories of the soul, it is the healing of the body through the gentle application of oils through massage.
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