1:1 Healing

My 1:1 Sessions combine Shamanic Healing, Angelic Reiki and Aromatherapy. It is a very deep and sacred form of healing where I work with tools such as my drum, rattle and sword. During these sessions, you will take an active role in your healing. I will support you by journeying and channel the wisdom from my guides to connect you with what is happening on a soul level.


I offer  1:1 Healings in person and online.

Soul Reading

This can be a 1:1 soul reading which is an opportunity to become crystal clear about where you are in your soul's path and how to interpret the events in your life. This is useful when you are making big changes or have an important decision to make or if you want to start a program of healing but are unsure about which direction to take. 


1:1 Aromatherapy Massage: A full energetic reset for mind, body and soul. This is a 90 minute intuitive massage with an aromatherapy blend made especially for you infused with Angelic Reiki, Shamanic Energy Balance Techniques an Soul Guidance


Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is a deeply supportive healing for releasing all that is not the truth of your soul and reconnecting with the wisdom within you. My sessions are supportive for untangling from relationship patterns, overcoming traumatic events, soul retrieval in all dimensions and lifetimes and womb healing. I create safe and gentle spaces for healing witnessing huge transformations and personal freedom. 



Shamanic Mentorship 

Who is this for?

My clients tell me that my genius is reading people's blocks in getting where they want to be. This can be navigating changes in life, overcoming huge life events, preparing for surgery; making changes to psychic and energy protection as an energy healer or working towards specific goals. This can be personal goals such as moving forwards in an interest or passion, bringing about healing changes in an important relationship be that with living or deceased souls or professional goals which can be understood in this way.

I work in a healing and coaching relationships with clients which means that some sessions will be for healing practices and others will be about integrating and making the desired outcome part of their lives. 

Mentorship Packages

I have three year-long mentorship packages.

The Earth's Holding

Three 90 minute coaching or healing sessions per year as well as access to online courses and Resources. These can be taken at any time of the year or split into 45 minute sessions 

Soul Retrieval Online, The Earth's Holding and Tending the Roots 

30% Discount on all courses and healings 

One Payment: £284

Monthly £28.40


The Fire Tender 

Six 90 minute coaching or healing sessions per year as well as access to online courses and Resources. These can be taken at any time of the year or split into 45 minute sessions 

Soul Retrieval Online, The Earth's Holding and Tending the Roots 

30% Discount on Community Gatherings and Sound Baths 

Worth £900

One Payment: £482.80 

Monthly £48.20 

The Alchemist 


Twelve 90 minute coaching or healing sessions per year as well as access to online courses and Resources. 

Soul Retrieval Online, The Earth's Holding and Tending the Roots and The Womb Healing Journey

Free Access to all Community Gatherings and Sound Baths 

Worth £1,644

One Payment: £842.40

Monthly £84.20

Community Memberships 


Photo Credit: Amy Kelly Photography

 Book A 1:1 Healing With Me 



I am where I am in my life now much because of the healing with you and I don't remember ever being this happy without any particular reason.

More loving and kind with myself than ever. Love you Emily and all your work

O, Leeds