Emily Webster
Clinical Aromatherapist
Massage Therapist
Angelic Reiki Master
NASENCO, Post Graduate Diploma in Inclusion
Children’s Yoga and Therapeutic Storytelling
Shamanic Healer
Plant Spirit Shaman
Sacred Dancer
1: 1 Healings Online and In Person
"The Earth's Holding" a Rebirth With Mother Earth:
A Ceremonial Offering reconnecting you with Mother Earth as a being of love, welcoming your soul to Earth and connecting with your soul family and root to Earth Star
This healing combines Shamanic Healing, Massage and Movement
Allow Two Hours for the Session
Clinical Aromatherapy Prescriptions and Massage:
I am a clinical aromatherapist and blend essential oils for physical, emotional and spiritual needs. I offer a full holistic consultation and insights into the emotional and spiritual roots of illness. I also support mobility and healing following life changing events.
Shamanic Healing: In person and Online
I am initiated in both Celtic Pagan and Mayan forms of Shamanism. I give healings for supporting grief and issues around the deceased, ancestral woundings, relationship dynamics and healing from abuse. The processes I use are soul retrieval, ancestral healing, psychopomp ceremony and womb healing.
Shamanic Healing for Families and Children with Spiritual Gifts
I have worked with families for the past 20 years in my previous role as a SENCo and Leader for Young Carers due to addiction. I have woven my wisdom of inclusion and family support into a package of healing and support for families of neurodiverse children offering soul wisdom and healing. This may be due to ancestral issues, histories of abuse or scapegoating.
Ceremony and Celebrant: I hold 1:1 and group ceremonies to honour and mark rites of passage and celebrations. These include: Mother’s Blessings, Relationship Blessings, Separation Blessings and Rites of The Womb. These ceremonies are healing and transmutative in themselves and I work with you in advance to harness the energies and share guidance from spirit and ancestors to what is needed for the highest good of all.
Group Offerings:
Magical Aromatherapy: a year-long training in creating your own blends at home (online and in person)
The Earth’s Holding: Earth Journeys with Shamanic Dance and Sound Healing (monthly online and quarterly in person)
booking: emily@autumnblossoms.co.uk