Healing is when your inner world matches your outer world Your emotions are spoken and lived Your body flowing with life instead of the pain of the past

It is wholeness

It happens in layers

Outside the judgement of the mind

In the part of you which is eternal

 The soul

Welcoming back the fragments

And making a new wholeness from them


In shamanic healing and quantum plant healing it isn’t the
symptoms, it’s the patterns and the energy which is healed

This lifetime or others,

It isn’t necessarily the ‘biggest' event which creates the

But how the body holds it

What it means to let it go

and whether or not it feels safe

to live

and be you

If this resonates, welcome home

I feel a lot of my work centres around this: really getting people in touch with how they really are and honouring the events of their life to get in touch with the real them. Aromatherapy does this in such a gentle and nurturing way, it has helped me to overcome a severe stammer and a shyness that was so debilitating for me. I could never have imagined how things have changed for me.

My shamanic work is also deeply powerful, where I invite my clients to be very active in the healing process. It is truly life changing for those who choose this path.

The stammer, the shyness, the hiding of the intuition was such a painful way to live, it came to a head one day and my life was turned upside down.

There was a turning point which created so much of what I offer and that was an accident that left me unable to walk. I suffered life-changing injuries. Having been active all my life, a keen walker and runner I was devastated. I didn’t realise at the time what a trauma this was but the impact of being told by some of the top surgeons in Manchester that I would never be right and would never walk properly again brought on some of my darkest days.

I found myself going to all kinds of professionals and never really getting what I needed. Just being in the room telling my story was so painful I would often avoid appointments. I realised later I was unable to go to physiotherapy because I was in so much shock I wasn’t functioning. It is only when these things happen that we realise how connected the mind and the body really are.

One conversation changed that. It was with a French Podiatrist during a stay in Lille. She was interested in my injuries and gave me the best advice of all: “Emily, tu est ton médecin” “You are your own doctor“

She taught me to massage my scars and how to exercise them. She didn’t give me any guarantees but said that everything I did would help but that if I did nothing, I would always be this way. We shared many meals and conversations late into the evening and I never forgot her message, it really stuck with me. I remember laying on my bed and focusing on my left foot with no feeling or movement and willing the flow of feeling or movement.

I had dreams where I journeyed into my veins and scar tissue trying to reach and create flow in the body. I massaged, moved, and dedicated myself to my rehabilitation. Sat on the bus, typing on my computer, I would use my right foot to lift the lifeless left to life and celebrate any sensation I felt.

I didn’t have a clue what I was doing really but something kept me going. An acupuncturist told me years later “You’re healing the physical body but the trauma is still with you”. I wept. I learned later that each injury or trauma is mapped on the body and it was the emotional and soul-level trauma that also needed healing.

I continued on my journey and while teaching in Granada, Spain, I remember walking into a cave with some friends and seeing a dancer. I was so moved. She was so powerful but showing so much emotion and passion it stayed with me to this day. I couldn’t erase the impact that ferocious energy had on me. It reflected the pain and fire inside me. I needed to release so much. When I got back to England, despite still having very little feeling in my foot and still limping, I went to learn flamenco dance. Just standing in the room and hearing the music transported me to where I needed to be. I was working on the mind and body together, expressing something words couldn’t.

Today dance is very much in my life as I perform as part of a flamenco duo Suspiros de Fuego. When people watch they say they ‘feel me’ and that is the biggest compliment I could ever receive as I know there is so much healing in that.

I have taken my experience of feeling ‘lost’ and ‘broken’ and turned it into a business that helps people find what they need. An inner blossoming that comes from the soul.

I have helped so many people following accidents and trauma, bringing together the physical and the emotional that I can truly say that I am blessed to have my beautiful scar that has taught me more than anything else. It has stripped away the masks I wore and shown me that inside layers of pain no matter how long they have been there, you can always blossom beautifully and uniquely in the right season for you.


Shamanic Healing Practitioner (2020)

Clinical Diploma in Aromatherapy (2017)

Angelic Reiki Master

Level 3 Pilates Qualified

Certificate in Person Centred Counselling

Children’s Yoga Teacher

Post Graduate Certificate of Education

Post Graduate Diploma in Supporting Vulnerable Learners

Level 3 Autism Lead Practitioner


First Aider