What is Quantum Plant Healing?

Feb 28, 2025

What is Quantum Plant Healing?

Having connected and healed through aromatherapy for many years prior to qualifying as a Clinical Aromatherapist in 2017, I always knew there was more to it. There was much more to our connection with plants. In 2000, I began understanding this with my first Shamanic Apprenticeship with Shamanic Willow, a Priestess of the Woods, deeply connected with the plants and Trees.

I like to think of Aromatherapy like poetry. It is a sensual connection with plants that creates images and evokes feelings and sensations. When we connect with the right oils at the right time, we receive an energetic boost and this helps with our emotional circuitry, it gets things going such as more feelings of calm, more releasing going on, more grounding depending on the note of the oil and how it is interacting with the nervous system of the person.  Because of the sensual nature of aromatherapy, it opens up  the body and the senses to the spirit part. I don’t generally dissociate the sensual aspects of aromatherapy with the physical or physiological but what resonates is that the language of nature and metaphysics is at work when we connect with aromatherapy and quantum plant spirit healing.

For example, the aromatherapy connection that we can experience with plants such as chamomile are that we smell a sweet and honey-like gentle oil, even the connection with the plant itself is gentle, having to cradle our fingers around the delicate stem brings us into the state of cradling that which is small. The physical properties of chamomile, the chemistry of the substance is that it contains esters, which are physically beneficial for wound healing and gentle care, calming to the nervous system. What is happening physically when we apply the oils to the skin is also happening emotionally with the limbic system. What I love about an oil like chamomile is that it isn’t possible for a stronger oil such as Rosemary to connect with the subtlety and care that chamomile can. There is the power of using the right plant or connection for the role. A feather can sometimes hit the spot much more effectively than a brick.

When we then bring in the quantum healing spirit of the Chamomile, the wisdom is of love, gentleness and softness to this inner child, just like the cradling the fingers do on cradling the gentle flower and petals. There are two main ways to connect with the spirit of the plant, one of them is to invite the energy to come in during the consultation process when the blends are created to give wisdom about how the oil will be used or give more insight into the root cause of the symptoms. The other way is to journey shamanically to the plant spirit realm and ask if there are healing plants, flowers or herbs which want to come forwards to support us with the issue that we have.

The guidance can come in the form of showing you an area of the body, or an event that happened. People receive guidance in different ways from their allies and guides. What is most heartening and meaningful for people at this time is that all of this is bringing about a reconnection with the Mother, with Earth, the plants and trees.

For example, messages from the Red Clover are such a remedy to over working and self sacrifice:

You have cast your eyes outwards too long. This may have been to please others or fit into a role which is no longer befitting to your growth. The straddling of worlds and the erosion of the inner path to your heart has gone on too long. Now your journey is inwards to the softness and compassionate centre of your own loving heart.

It is time to care deeply for yourself

A purification and strengthening of the heart back to what it knows

Leaving burdens unloaded back to the Earth

Red clover is showing you how to begin to see your own worth

Go within

Be soft

 Be true

And follow the inner threads

Weave them back to yourself and

Reconnect yourself back to you

As the compass

Of compassion and love


When I connect with Mother Earth, for whom I have been a channel for many years, her wisdom is that we are being given now the deepest root, the foundation to our lives which is our connection with our home, the message that we belong and the knowingness that we are connected with our hearts and this guidance is coming through with love and nourishment for the next stage of our lives. At the same time, her energy, the Goddess energy is being felt much more potently through the plants and trees and so we can make much more sense of these changes by connecting and communicating both ways with the quantum plant spirits who are supporting this process.

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