A Daughter's Welcome
In three online ceremonies, we bring the sacred daughter back to her ancient lineage and welcome her in the way that was always intended.
The daughter
The path of becoming, unbecoming and becoming again
I have been pulled to add an offering to my ‘Mother Threads’
As sacred as the hawthorn buds of spring
The purest dew from the highest peak
The Welcoming
The emergent excitement ready to become
Before …the journey this Earth has gifted you so far.
A Daughter's Welcome is
Three Weeks of Ceremony, Ritual and Sisterhood
Ceremony One: Welcome to Earth
You have unique gifts that your lineage is awaiting. We will journey these and welcome them with the illuminated ancestors and priestesses of your line so that you can be welcomed and initiated with your wisdom honoured. You are welcome to Earth child, as the sacred gift to your soul family. Welcome, allow us to celebrate you.
Ceremony Two: Full Moon Heart Healing
The Heart Healing to hold the emotional threads so that your holding is soft and heart-centred. The healing of the heart energy of your whole ancestral line through dance, ritual and journeying. I will channel guidance in the session for you. This is a deep ceremony which draws on the relationship between mothers and daughters and bring vision and consciousness to all witch wound threads around the feminine and wisdom of the heart.
Ceremony Three: Sacred Maiden
A Ceremony to bring sacredness to your body, all stories related to being female in your ancestry and rewriting the path for you to be free and celebrated in your wholeness, pleasure and warrior self