Calling the Wild Seasons: a journey of plants and trees

My Plant and Tree Spirit Guide Offering is Here!


Calling The Wild Seasons

Do you sometimes feel plants are speaking to you or feel a connection you can’t quite put into words?

I am feeling called to connect you with the world of plants and trees and the wild seasons of nature. The seasons which shift between heady laden blossom and baren twigs. The welcoming of infinite abundance and the releasing of all but the bones.

This is an empowering journey reflecting our soul’s reinto the plant and  tree spirit world to reconnect with your wild soul. I will be holding space for four people on this sacred journey of plant and tree connection and wholeness.


The plants, trees and elementals are alive and well as they have learnt to survive such times. To embrace endings, beginnings and adapt to changes before they are seen. This is the deep listening and immersion found in the Earth.

You will have heard me say countless times that I make many of my decisions in my healings based on the guidance I am given from the plant and tree spirits. It is my heart’s offering to share some of this wisdom and healing with you. There are no ‘healings’ as such in this offering other than the deep and fulfilling connection with your land and nourishment, Mother Earth. The most overwhelming joy can be found in her wisdom and love, knowing that you are together with your land.

Like the baby in the womb attached with chord to placenta, we are intrinsically and spiritually a whole with our Earth.

The Themes we will be working with between the Earth celebrations of Llamas and Mabon are:

  • The Alchemy of the elements in our lives
  • Celebrating the phases of our lives
  • Calling in joy, passion, love and creativity and what this means for plants and trees
  • Living and dying in your wildness

I have brought the wisdom of the plants and trees to the centre as the next few years will bring changes where looking through the eyes and hearts of plants will be so supportive as new beginnings and ways are woven.

I have been busy creating resources and plans to support this journey. It is for those who want to bring these healing energies into their lives and weave the wisdom of our ancestors into the future.

I will share my wisdom with you with immersive journeys into Willow, Beech, Elder and Hawthorn Tree Spirits and Ivy,  Comfrey, Nettle and Sage.

The format will be access to your own journeys and resources to explore the plant and tree realm in soul and in person retreat days. You have me throughout this time and you will gain an ever-growing intuition and sight of your own. This includes:


  • 6 Meditations to use on the land, whether that be an ancient forest or a window box, you are invited
  • Workbooks to help you understand the language of plants and trees and record your reflections
  • 4 Elemental Essence Sprays to support the meditation process
  • Creative Portal (a sacred art space to create your meaningful meditations on your connection with plant and tree spirits)
  • Voxer for 1:1 responses from me in real time
  • 2 online ceremonies
  • 2 in person retreat days (Llamas: Tuesday 1st August and Mabon: Friday 29th September)


Retreat days will work with the four elements, our own plant spirit journeys and guidance which I will channel through for each of you

As well as our plant and tree spirits, we will work with fire ceremony, wild water therapy and the fairies and elementals who are guardians of the plants and trees.


If you are called, this is for you


With love,


Emily xx


Energy Exchange: £450 (can be in installments)


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