Safety and Cord cutting

We will create a safe space for you in your womb and your relationships
This starts with feeling safe in the group and establishing boundaries
The root chakra, the roots in the Earth, the nest

We will cut the cord from a person or situation which is still holding ties and you will be guided and supported to ceremonially release this

We will journey into the root chakra and rewrite the stories back to safety tuning into what we need to feel safe


The Release

You will be supported to release any emotions from this lifetime that still reside in the womb space or those from this time such as shame or guilt.

This process involves the illumination of the real stories that we hold in our womb space about our sexuality and our desires – what is it that we want to furnish our wombs and our lives with?


Ancestral Healing

Your womb holds the energy of seven generations past. We will clear the matriarchal womb line and connect with the gifts of your ancestors to heal seven generations ahead as well as ourselves.


We will journey deep into the Earth’s womb space and rebirth through her loving energy. Drawing from the infinite love and wisdom of the divine mother, we will re-mother ourselves and connect with the ancient wisdom in the soil.

This session will be a plant spirit journey and you will bring a favoured flower, root or herb to connect with the Mother.

Week Five: What does she say?

Throat chakra Healing

Tapping into your creativity and the voice of the womb
Your Divine Feminine Creatrix

Exploring creativity from the womb: automatic writing, poetry and drawing opening the flow of magic within you
Embracing our feminine – keeping her safe asking for what she wants
Learning to receive and flow
Connecting to the wisdom

Week Six:
The Dance of the Divine Feminine

Connecting with your truth and celebrating You
Bringing in the gifts of fertility and creativity

Who are you?

A journey of healing, meditation and dance with sacred fire and cacao

Sealing the journey and rebirthing yourself as a fully embodied sensual being, connected with the divine feminine and the moon.

We will complete your beautiful healing journey by gifting you the Rights of The Womb, an ancient prayer brought from the Peruvian jungle by my shamanic teachers and guides.

I look forwards to welcoming you on this sacred journey.
