Elemental Spirit Connection and Shamanic Art

I invite you to a day of Plant Spirit Journeys, Land Reading,
Tree Spirit Channelling and Shamanic Art

We will walk with the land, the plant spirits, tree spirits and ancestors of the land

This is a supportive, connecting practice to ground you with your land, your Earth, your intuition and your guides
We will then use these experiences, the language of plant and elemental spirit to create poetry, art and other expressive inspirations to honour the process and channel our communications. Often this type of art is known as sacred or shamanic art; it comes from the soul 

This is something I was gifted through my connection with
tree spirits before embarking on my Training with my teacher Shamanic Willow. You are welcome if this is something you have never done before or something you do regularly. Perhaps you are a creative but want to weave your soul and spirituality into it or perhaps you want to play and have no experience. Either way, I will create the space for you to do this.

with love

Emily xx

Booking Link