Hysteria and Hysterectomies

Three Webinars to Educate about Women’s Health in a Holistic Way

Hysteria and Hysterectomies

Clinical whitewashing of emotions in healthcare settings has historically led to increased surgery and hysterectomies for women, whereas women are now discovering that bringing emotions and intuition to the centre of their health and wellbeing is not only helpful but necessary 

Who are we?

Clair: is a Menstrual and Menopause coach. She has endometriosis, and has suffered heavy periods from the beginning. After years of living in discomfort and pain, unable to live a full life, she underwent four surgeries for endometriosis and two further surgeries one to remove ovaries and other to remove uterus. She now believes this was unnecessary and is keen to share her story and wisdom. 

Emily: Shamanic Healer and Aromatherapist, works with the connection between the emotional, physical and spiritual body and supports women in healing the energy around the womb and understanding how ancestral patterns can be playing-out in their emotional and physical bodies through womb healing and ancestral healing.

2nd July Self Advocacy 

How to be informed and emotionally prepared for your appointments 

9th July: Decision Making 

Things to consider before making major decisions about your health

16th July: Intuition and Our Emotions

How intuition and emotional and spiritual approaches to health can support your physical health

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