Tending the Roots : Healing Foundations
This course combines my experience working with the body’s energy centres and shamanic healing practices which bring you back into alignment with the innate soul wisdom of the body.
It can be completed as a stand alone or to accompany our sessions together.
My Story and Experience
I am a highly sensitive being, something I have learned to celebrate and embrace. My early perceptions of the world were to really feel when emotional realities and spoken realities were different. This initially made me question my own reality and feel that I had got it all wrong so I shut down this aspect of me for many years. Since healing my energy body and understanding my perceptions much more, I have become aware of how connected our emotional and spiritual lives are to everything we do. This course is an introduction to connect you with some of the ideas that I will be taking further when we do 1:1 work together or more advanced courses.
From being very young, I picked up on nuances and was aware of things happening before they happened. I knew when people had died in the night as their souls had visited me to let me know. I knew when people were sad but smiled anyway. I knew when people had experienced great loss and grief or abuses. I could feel it and see it in their souls from being very young. I must have expressed this and caused alarm as my ability to speak left me aged six and I stammered into my mid twenties. This information was not for everyone but it is being gathered now for those who need it.
Healing my voice and understanding that this silencing was not just mine but ancestral and connected with being female was enlightening for me. Being able to tune into your body and energy system and trust it is a key foundation for healing. It is about knowing that you have a a truth and really understanding what that means for you.
I suffered a life-changing accident in 2000 when my left foot was so damaged that it wasn’t certain it would survive. I was given a clear message that the nerve damage was so bad that I wouldn’t be able to use it again. My life fell into a very difficult spiral as I was in the middle of studies and I adjusted to my new life. That was until I listened to my inner guidance about how to heal and it was so much more than I imagined. Not only would I learn to walk again but I dance better than I ever have.
It was the emotional aspect of healing that I didn't feel I had the tools for. This re-learning to walk and talk; to trust the inner world more and not run from my instincts as wrong is for me the beginning of getting better. Not just healing but living an incredible life. Our souls are designed for joy and happiness and to be limitless in possibility.
The Inner World Meets the Outer World
Healing is where there is congruence between the inner voice, the soul and the mind and the heart. This is what this course is about. It is about opening the communication and conversation between all of the parts of you to gather yourself to wholeness.
Tending The Foundations of Your Soul:
From my experience, holding long and tender safe containers for healing with small support networks is the foundation for deep healing. This is a course which is run over eight months, with the suggestion for another month's continuation and self-practice in community. This is the time I believe that it takes to fully bring about this new version of you and embed these practices in your life.
The Modules:
- Bringing Your Heart Back to You
It can be our experience that the heart witnessing and self loving kindness is not something that is nurtured or felt. This space in the heart leads to many maladaptations of self sacrifice and self limiting behaviours. Our foundation and compass is to bring our heart back to it's rightful place of feeling, self compassion and emotional witnessing.
Self- Practice
Self Love Healing Meditation
Activations: Heart Witnessing
Heart Healing with Hawthorn Spirit and Red Clover: Connecting the Fragments
2. Root Chakra: The Earth Welcoming
Our nervous systems are developed to maintain safety, when safety is not felt, they do not relax and soften to a gentle holding and reassurance of the body. This leads to chemical imbalances. When we welcome ourselves back, we soften this tension and allow ourselves to feel safe in our vessels and welcome.
I am Safe: Welcoming Yourself Back Home
Self-Practice Rebirth through Mother Earth and Elemental Tree Spirit Practices
3. I express: Throat Chakra Healing
Bringing your authentic expression into being, finding the truth and expressing it with confidence. Words are energy, our truth, without allowing it to flow and speak, we limit our energy flow and create blocks in the body.
4. Solar Plexus:Who are you really?Where is your power?
We work with the Dandelion Spirit and Oak Tree to access our power and strength
Oak Tree Meditation
Fire Ceremonies
5. Accessing your Intuition and Meeting Your Spirit Team. Knowing our intuition and how to access our soul's dream world is part of being able to access our desires and dreams.
Activation: Being held by soul kin in the arms of love
6. People Pleaser, Please Yourself
How the people pleaser is born and how to bring healing and rewire yourself to care for you first when the relationships in your life are out of balance.
7. Cord cutting and Setting Healthy Boundaries
Where does your energy begin and end?
Can you draw your energy field?
8. Sacral Chakra Healing and the Womb Space
Healing Your Creative Energy and re-igniting your spark
Without flow in your sacral chakra, there is no access to pleasure and joy or it is tainted with shame. We create all we do with pleasure when it is of the highest source. Finding this part of us is transformational and helps us bring our gifts into the world
9.. Finding your Heart's Desire and Dreaming it
So many of the goals that we set ourselves are in fact based on what we think we want
We realign that to the truth of your soul
Tending The Roots 6 Week Journey
Six Weeks of Soul Tending, Nourishing Transformation
Weekly Zoom Calls
Recorded Resources, Rituals and Meditations
Week One
Opening Ceremony
Welcoming yourself into this space
Earthing and Grounding
Healing the separation from the Sentient Earth and the Mother through Connection and Ceremony
This is a healing bringing you back to the Mother, the Land and the Soil
Week Two
Creation and Strength
Ceremony to activate the connection between desire, creativity and the will
Stepping forwards with confidence
Developing a creative practice that is healing and true
Week Three
Coming Home to the Wisdom of the Heart
Heart Healing with Mother Earth
Connecting back to the Source of Love and Nourishment
Week Four
Integration and embodiment
Shamanic Dance and journalling, connecting with the process and sharing reflections
Week Five
The throat opening, singing expressing and sounding
We will send the transmissions from the heart and open through the throat
I will do a group shamanic journey with my extraction guides to reveal and remove throat intrusions of thought, energy or injury
Releasing and retrieving your unique voice of love and truth
Week Six
Who is your spirit team and how do you connect with them safely?
There are love and light teachers and there are those of us who know the importance of spiritual integrity, safety and knowing who is communicating with you and why
This is a crown and third eye activation connecting you with your divine image of you and your highest source guidance.
Nourishing these connections and inviting your whole body to join the process
Final session dance of completion bringing all the wisdom into the body and the Earth and endings
Closing Ceremony and Celebration
£66 (£44 for existing clients and circles)
Tending The Roots: The New Foundations
2 x monthly calls over 9 months
Tuesdays 6.00 - 7.00pm
Online Resources and Online Community
Complete Rebirth and Adjustment in Your Foundations
Lifetime access
Actual Price: £198