Ancestral Dreams
Jan 21, 2024
I have been having some very vivid dreams lately
as my ancestors and guides often contact me in my dreams
Two of them are to be shared.
One, a story from my Grandmothers
to rebuild the relationship between
masculine and feminine lines
the healing of the heart or water element
I share it here:

Releasing Shame from my Story
Jan 02, 2024
I have held so much shame around my story until recently. This is so much so that I stopped telling it. My nervous system was still holding something protective around it that has now loosened and I can’t feel it now.
I realised that it was not my shame but that I had carried it. When my son told...

Why Am I Hearing So Much About Ancestral Healing Right Now?
Dec 30, 2023
Ancestral Healing Story
It isn’t your imagination,Deeper roots are calling youAncestral healing is so much deeperthan I could have imagined when my ancestorsfirst told me this was my workAround the time my daughter was bornBringing wisdom back from the heartSacredness back to mother’s bodiesa...

Healing the Ancestral Lines and Honouring Death
Oct 05, 2023
With the end of my marriage came a death. The physical death of a family member and the death of a karmic thread I had been carrying. Suddenly it became really potent and painful, I reached out to new teachers, new guides to unravel and repair the threads and weave new ones. As mothers we carry s...